What causes Meningitis?
There are several things that can cause meningitis, such as bacteria, virus, fungi or other diseases.2-5,7
Different viruses and bacteria that can cause meningitis:7,8
Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis and has a potential to cause large epidemics.2,6 The majority of meningococcal disease cases are caused by 5 Neisseria meningitidis serogroups—A, C, W, Y and B.2,9 It is a profoundly serious disease that strikes very quickly and can potentially cause death within 24-48 hours. If untreated, it can be deadly in 50% of the cases. In approximately 10-20% of survivors, meningococcal meningitis may leave them with mental retardation, hearing loss and other disability.2,7,10,11
The two age groups that are at highest risk of contracting meningococcal meningitis are babies younger than 1-year-old and children younger than 5 years followed by a peak in teens.7,12 Thus, vaccination is recommended.2 Talk to your healthcare provider about helping to protect against meningococcal meningitis.
Babies become ill very quickly, so be aware of all the early signs and symptoms and check often.2,14
Early symptoms were common to many self-limiting viral illnesses seen in primary care16 and can creep up unexpectedly.18,19
While meningococcal meningitis is unpredictable, the good news is that you can keep your children and family protected against it through vaccination.2,6 Vaccinate yourself and your loved ones today to help get protected from 5 of the most common serogroups A, C, W, Y and B that cause meningococcal meningitis.2,9
Ensure your baby is protected by talking to your doctor about meningococcal disease and asking about vaccination. You can find more information in the parents’ guide.
ECDC. Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases. 2018. Available from: https://atlas.ecdc.europa.eu/public/index.aspx. Accessed 30 November 2020.
Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). World Meningitis Day 2019 - Life After Meningitis, 2019. NCDC website. https://ncdc.gov.ng/news/177/world-meningitis-day---2019-life-after-meningitis#:
~:text=Globally2%C20%Meningitis20%aects20%about202.8%, are20%currently20%aected20% in20%Nigeria. Accessed 25 February 2021.